Trinity Vineyard Sunday Morning

The Crowd and the Disciples

Trinity Vineyard Church Season 2 Episode 35

Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him.  He appointed twelve that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach.

-Mark 3: 13-14

The four gospels aim to make us wise by helping us get up close to the life of Jesus and seeing how he lived his life. The gospels invite us to imagine ourselves into the stories that the characters in the story were faced with. Jesus’ actions as King during the time he was walking around on earth are intended as a template for us. 

So when Jesus came preaching about God and putting right the evils of this present age, healing diseases and oppression, the bible fits this into the context of God coming to act as the ruling king. God was beginning a promised transformation of this earth.  The phrases ‘the kingdom of God ‘ and ‘son of God’ have very similar connotations, the active working of God as King of the world in real time. 

Jesus’ action as king involves others. Those who were being blessed by the transformation which had begun and they were being drawn in by this movement of God as king. There was a level of allegiance involved. But Jesus calls people closer, “Come be more involved with the work of the king.”

When we see our calling in the context of a King reclaiming a lost kingdom we can see what our response should be. If the true king of this world is coming to act within this world the correct response is our allegiance, our loyalty. If Jesus is the Son of God the promised King then  my actions and purposes  need to be aligned to the actions and purposes of the King. Not just for a moment but a set daily allegiance to the King. 

If we see our relationship with Jesus in terms of being loyal subjects of the true King of the cosmos we can also realise that all aspects of our existence from the minutiae of life to the grand narrative of humanity can all come together as a coherent whole with Jesus.

Our calling comes from a king who knows who you are and knows your strengths and weaknesses. We can choose to become more wise by meditating on the fact that God has chosen us. We here are called to be TVC to be part of King Jesus’ ongoing transformation of Woolwich, of London, of this world.

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